Our Leadership
The Order is governed by Superiors, and a Consistory comprised of both laity and clergy. During the Annual Retreat, the gathering convenes as a synod to address issues of mission, organization, and finance.
Phoenix, Arizona
The Abbot serves as the Spiritual Leader and Chief Shepherd for the Order, responsible for the vision and mission of the Order and the well being of the community. Br. Rock was elected Abbot during the Order’s 2024 retreat in Parma, Ohio.
Sister Selena Blackwell, OCC
Waukegan, Illinois
The Prior serves as the Counselor to the Abbot and is responsible for much of the spiritual and liturgical education and resources for the Order and the spiritual formation of Novices. Br. Selena was named as Prior at the Order's 2024 retreat in Cleveland, Ohio.
Brother Brian Smith, OCC
Western, North Carolina
The Steward is the keeper of the Order's finances and fiscal records, fiscal advisor to the Abbot, and scribe of meetings and gatherings of the Order. Br. Brian was installed as Steward during the Order's 2018 retreat in Racine, Wisconsin.
The Consistory, along with the Abbot, Prior, and Steward, comprise our governing body.
Current Consistory Members:
Brother Brian Burke (Class of 2025)
Brother Stephen Fair (Class of 2026)
Brother Joel Hummel (Class of 2027)
Sister Diana Johnson (Class of 2026)
Brother Mark Lukens (Class of 2025)
Brother Jon Prain (Class of 2027)
Brother Robert Gross (Ex Officio)
Past Abbots and Priors*
Abbot Robert Gross, 2012-2024
Br. Bob was first elected Abbot in 2012 and was re-elected Abbot during the Order’s 2017 retreat in Wernersville, Pennsylvania
Abbot Richard H. Price 1999-2012
Prior Jeffrey Hammonds 1996-1999
Prior James H. Gold 1993-1996
Prior E. Stanley Knavel 1990-1993
Prior Harry Royer 1987-1990
*Before 1999 the leader of the order was called a Prior.